100 Days of Burpees Challenge Failed!

100 Day Burpees Challenge FAILED

What’s up goal crushers! Like the quote above I’m not going to waste time covering up a failure, I’m going to learn from it and go on to the next challenge.  Earlier this year started the 100 day burpees challenge, I started off very enthusiastic but I did not finish the challenge. I could go on with excuses and explanations on why I didn’t finish the 100 day burpees challenge but I’m not going to do that. I’m going to accept the fact that I didn’t finish and plan to do it again. This is a common lesson in life, if you fail its ok, just try again.


Don’t be afraid to fail. Don’t waste energy trying to cover up failure. Learn from your failures and go on to the next challenge. It’s OK to fail. If you’re not failing, you’re not growing.

-H. Stanley Judd

I will keep you posted on the start day of 100 Days of Burpees Challenge 2.0. Before I sign off I want to leave you with one last thought…. Once you let go of you fears you will be unstoppable. Do you want to be unstoppable? You owe it to yourself to be the greatest you that you can be.

100 Day Burpees Challenge FAILED

If you like what I’m doing please subscribe. Don’t forget to follow me on Twitter:@300lbsandrunnin, Like the 300 Pounds and Running Facebook Page, if you are on: Instagram I’m @300PoundsAndRunning, YouTube: 300 Pounds and Running Dailymile: @300lbsandrunnin, and Nike Plus:@300PoundsAndRunning. Lastly I’ve create a group on Facebook called Crushing Goal Together… This is a new support group to help anyone plan, track, and crush goals, be sure to check it out.

Until next time I’m 300 Pounds and Running

100 Day Burpee Challenge

100 Day Burpee Challenge

***UPDATE** Be sure to mention me @300lbsandrunnin and use  the hashtag #100DaysOfBurpees on Twitter! Good Luck!

What’s up goal crushers! Are you ready for a challenge? How about a Burpee Challenge? I would like to invite all of you to take part in the 100 Day Burpee Challenge beginning February 1st, 2013. As many of you know I also do Crossfit and one of the exercise that I demise the most is the dreaded BURPEE! I thought to myself what other way to fal in love with this exercise is do them for 100 days straight. Yes I must be crazy, but I love a challenge. I urge you all to try it out. The rules are as follows:

One Burpee will be performed on the first day and one burpee will be added every day for 100 days. On the 100th day (If starting on Febuary 1st, will be May 11th) I will be doing 100 burpees. You can visit my Youtube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/300poundsandrunning to cheer me on and give me encouragement, because I really demise with burpees.

100 Day Burpee Challenge

100 Day Burpee Challenge Rules:

1. If you already can do 100 burpees…. consider 200 burpees for the challenge.

2.You may complete the day’s burpees all at once or broken up throughout the day as time allows.

3. The challenge is about discipline… if you miss a day, you must start over.

4. If you don’t start the challenge on day one, you may “buy in” by doing all the missed day’s burpees on your starting day.

5. Any burpees performed during a CrossFit workout may count toward your day’s total.

6. Have fun doing burpees.

If you like what I’m doing please subscribe. Don’t forget to follow me on Twitter:@300lbsandrunnin, Like the 300 Pounds and Running Facebook Page, if you are on: Instagram I’m @300PoundsAndRunning, YouTube: 300 Pounds and Running Dailymile: @300lbsandrunnin, and Nike Plus:@300PoundsAndRunning. Lastly I’ve create a group on Facebook called Crushing Goal Together… This is a new support group to help anyone plan, track, and crush goals, be sure to check it out.

Until next time I’m 300 Pounds And Running