It’s all up hill from here!


I tried to switch it up with today’s run but it came back to bite me in the butt. I ran around my neighborhood because I wanted to see something different. I made a right turn where I usually make a left. Everything seemed to be going good with my run. Pandora was playing the right songs to keep me motivated. I was in the zone until I was thought to myself, “Gee, I’m still running downhill!”

“Ding! You’ve hit the half-way point in your workout.” I turned around to see this huge mountain of a hill that I have run up. I thought to myself, “Ok I can do this”, and started to run up the hill. The hill felt like it would never end…I look down at my watch and I see that I’ve only been running for 24 seconds. So I tried push through and kept running, 10 seconds later I’m leaning against a telephone pole gasping for air. I looked up the hill and I didn’t see the top, I said to myself, “This hill is steep as hell why did run down the hill knowing I had to run back up.” I closed my eyes and discouraging thoughts started to run through my mind, “I can’t do this!” “I should quit!” “I’m going to big all my life!” “Maybe I should call my girlfriend to come pick me up.” Then I said to myself, “No! I got this! I got myself down this hill I can get myself up this hill.” So I pulled it together and slowly made my way up the hill.

Here is what today’s work out look like:

300 pounds and running C25k w3d1

The biggest lesson I learned from this run is that you got to have a reason to keep running when you want to stop. Many of my thoughts were telling me to stop running and give up…but I had that one reason to keep me going…That one reason that kept my feet moving was, if I quit right now I wouldn’t be able to look at myself in the mirror and say that I gave it my all…Gave it my all on this run; on my weight loss journey; and on believing in myself. So I focused on that reason and “gave it my all” to make it up the hill. When it is all said and done I am proud of myself for not stopping and completing my run…
Until next time I’m 300 pounds and running

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