Weight loss/Running Advice


Last week I got a DM on twitter from one of my followers that needed some advice…This is what it said, “Hey man, I’ve gained everything I lost since March 2011…Any advice? I want to run but scared!” Usually I would just respond to the DM but I feel like everyone can benefit from this.

I remember being in class as an undergrad and reading something like, “most people who lose a major amount of weight will gain it back.” I remember asking why, my professor responded, “Two things… When you lose weight those fat cells are still there; they don’t go anywhere… they just shrink as you lose weight.  Secondly fat cells have memory… your body is not use to you being small and it thinks you are starving. I believe that you have to keep the weight off 3-5 years to successful win the weight loss battle.” With all that being said here is some advice to you and everyone else that feels the same way.

The first piece of advice I can give you is weight loss is a marathon, not a sprint. The faster you lose the weight the faster you can gain it back. Once it’s gone that’s not the end …You can’t go just back to your old lifestyle. No! It doesn’t work that way this is a lifestyle that you must keep. The things you did to lose the weight are the same things that you are going to do to keep it off.  Secondly, weight loss is just as much a mental thing as it is a physical thing. You have to change your thinking… Ask yourself are you ready to change and be honest with yourself. Are you committed to this change? Are you committed to yourself? Once you get your mental right, you have to understand that it’s not going to be easy. This is all a process; so don’t get upset or discouraged if and/or when you have a set back because it’s a part of the process… Having setbacks are just as important as having success.

To start running I recommend getting the C25K app…Every smart phone has it’s rendition of it but it’s all the same. Go at your own pace…don’t feel discourage if you have to repeat day or two… Remember that you are the star player of your own team and your journey cannot be compared to mine’s or anyone else for that matter. Make sure you have proper fitting running shoes; it’s the most important equipment in running. If you are planning on running outside in the winter months make sure you are prepared. Last but not least have fun. Find joy in the fact that you about to embark on a new journey that will take to places where you have never been (physically and mentally) before. Good luck on your journey and if you have any other question don’t be afraid to reach out.

Until next time I’m 300 Pounds and Running

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