29 Before 29 Update


On my 28th birthday, I thought it would be a smart idea to come up with 29 goals to complete before my 29th birthday. As I reflect on that decision, I now believe that was a very dumb idea… lol! Dumb idea or not I’m a man of my word. Plus I got family, friends, and readers who are great at holding me accountable or shall say great at bugging the hell out of me about this and I love them for it. Anyways I have about 6-7 months till my birthday and  I think it would be a good time to revisit these goals to see how I fair so far…

  1. Turn my blog into a business – Done
  2. Write my first e-book – In progress
  3. Run another marathon – After withdrawing from the Boston Marathon team I now have my sights on the Hartford Marathon.
  4. Guest post on someone else’s blog- Not yet
  5. Make at least $25k from my blog. – I’ve made $500 on my blog since my birthday, 24.5K to go!
  6. Plan a vacation- Nope haven’t did it yet
  7. Get certified as a Certified Health Education Specialist- Don’t have the cash to pay for study materials yet.
  8. Get certified in as an ACE Health Coach- Studying
  9. Get certified in RRCA- I’m waiting for them to come to MA…
  10. Retake the GRE- Nope
  11. Increase my page views from 10K/month to 50K/ month- Maybe my goal should be to blog more… Oh wait that is one of my goals
  12. Have 15,000 engaged twitter followers- Prolly not this year but I’m going to try my damnest
  13. Create a blogger network- I doubt this will happen this year.
  14. Do 100 pushups at one time- Let me get through PT first…
  15. Get feature in a magazine- I’ve haven’t tried…
  16. Restart 100 Days of burpees- See goal #14… lol
  17. Go Zip lining or sky diving- I’m thinking on my 29th I’ll kiss the sky
  18. Do a ted talk- I completely forgot about this one
  19. Completely unpack all the boxes in my house- Work in progress
  20. Do something for 30 days- I tried two thing so far and failed at it… Work in progress
  21.  Write in my journal everyday- Maybe I should try to writ in my journal for 30 days first…
  22. Start a bucket garden- Waiting till the spring
  23. Make a budget and stick to it- I’m trying
  24. Buy a road bike- Not yet
  25. Publish a blog post at least 3 times a week- Let’s see if I can write three post this week
  26. Get organized- Organized what???
  27. Apply to a PhD program- I have and app in progress, just waiting on letters of recs…
  28. Get counseling for past traumas- Made calls to different therapists, I haven’t found one I like yet… Damn trust issues
  29. Coach someone through his or her weight loss journey- Who wants to be mentored by me?

As I go through my list, I see that I have a lot of things in progress and some things I haven’t even started yet. I think I need to do is have a “come to Jesus meeting,” with myself to see what things are important to me and crush them. Being pragmatic, I know there are going to be something that I’m not going to complete. I got to at least do better than I did the previous year. As long as I’m going east I’m good.  My goal for next week is to by a planner and plan out my days with certain activities to get some of these thing on of my list. Do you have any suggestions for me?

Until next time

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