A well needed win


This weekend I had a win!

I went on a 3.3 mile run with a friend. It was for her 33rd birthday and she wanted to run a distance that coincided with her age. When got to the rail trail everybody that showed up told her that they were planning on walking and she can “do her”. I thought to myself what was the point of coming out if you weren’t even going to try to run with her. I felt some type of way because me friend is a bigger runner like myself and I know how hard it is to go running by yourself, especially on your birthday. Am I wrong but she asked us to go on run with her for a reason. Because if she was going to run by herself anyway why invite the friends in the first place…But I digress.

So I decide that I would run with her even though I’ve been having Achilles issues, or haven’t ran a mile in more than four months. I couldn’t let my friend go run by herself on her birthday. So I did a quick warm up, turned on the Nike running app and said let’s go.

And we were off.

During our first quarter-mile she look at me and said

“All right muscle memory and I thought your Achilles was giving you issues.”

“I’m going to fast I was trying to keep up with your pace.”

“No, I’m trying to keep up with you.”

So I dialed it back and told her if she feels like I’m going to fast let me know.

During the run we talked about my new job, my new hair cut, working out, and her up coming house-warming. Periodically someone would run by and wish her happy birthday due to the birthday tiara she was wearing.

For the most part the run when well. Around 2.5 mile, I could feel my calves starting to tighten and eventually my Achilles started to become inflamed. By then we were back where we started.

After running we stretched, gave high fives, took pictures and went to breakfast. During the ride to the breakfast spot Mrs300Par and I talked about the run. She was amazed on how good I looked out there especially with Achilles pain. I was surprised as well on how far I went until the Achilles started to mess with me. I don’t know if this was an isolated event or my Achilles is getting better. Only time will tell but either way I  this a win in my book.

Until next time.

Moving on…

It’s OK to fail…

It’s OK to start over…

It’s OK to hit the reset button…

You don’t have to suffer through it, look at what’s working in your and scrap everything else (Yup it’s OK to do that too).

So what is the next move after you reset? What is the next step to your goal? If you don’t know, maybe the question should be what is your goal…

For me, it’s to get back into marathon, lose this weight once and for all, to write my first book, and use my speaking to inspire the world.

So I quit my job (and I got a new one), cut my hair, and started blogging again. So what’s next?

Well, I joined a gym with a pool so I can do some water work. As I work in PT to get my Achilles back to 100%. I’m getting my big ass in the water and lift some weight. Lookout world 300 Pounds and Swimming…

Additionally I’m thinking about my routine… Bookending my days for success. More on that in a later post.

Lastly I’m thinking about what I’m consuming…  Not only physically but mentally and spiritually as well. Moving the negative energy out, so I can replace it with positivity and abundance….

In short, I’m trying something different. I know everything won’t work but somethings will.  For example, I tried about 20 different yoga videos on YouTube, Netflix, and Amazon Instant video until I found one that works for me. Sometimes you got to keep trying until something works… Lose that microwave mentality… What do you think this is? Popcorn?

Until next time.

It’s hard…

It’s hard to be the biggest person in the room for most of your life…

It’s hard to go shopping in the big & tall section of the store. Clothes never fit you right. They either hug you like a sausage casing or the hang from you like a tent. There is no happy medium. I went to Macy’s the other day and they had a shirt there that was 3XL slim fit… I’m wide as a house as it is. Why in the world would someone need a slim fit shirt at 3XL or 4XL? Can someone answer that for me?

It’s hard not to punch your doctor in the face when he/she call you a fat ass. It’s hard to have any self-confidence about yourself to let that roll off of you like a duck’s feather but my friend that’s what YOU GOT TO DO. You got to use that as your fuel for your fire and set their world ablaze!

It’s hard to start couch to 5K. Week 1, Day 1 is a bitch but trust me if you stick with it you’ll surprise yourself with what you can do.

It’s hard to call yourself a runner… especially when you have a 17:00 min/mile pace. It’s going to hurt when people walking around the track are lapping you…. But you can’t worry bout them just worry about your self.

It’s hard to lose 80 pounds…

It’s hard to run a marathon…

It hard to go from marathon to couch… To be that person that ran the races, lost the weight, clothes fit better, to be on TV, to be in the Newspapers, to be in the magazines. To do all that and go back to the couch…

It’s hard my friend… It’s like hitting the lottery for a 100 million. Your life has changed, people are nice to you, and everybody wants to be your friend. However, when you go bankrupt the following year and you got to go back to trailer park… Man that’s hard! You had a taste of the life or what your life could be and you dropped that ball. Your pride, your ego, your mind starts to play tricks on you… It tells you that you should still be there. It tells you it was yours and now it’s gone. It tells you that you don’t have to start fresh you were just there. Then you start to be resentful… Depressed! You start to ask, Why ME?!? Why do I have to go through all of this again?!?

Then it hits you… If not you then who? I responded, shit I don’t care just don’t let it be me.

Now you’re the biggest person in the room again…

Now you’re shopping in the big & tall section again…

Now your doctor is call you a fat ass again….


It’s hard starting over….

But you got to do what you got to do…

Strip down your ego…

Shed your pride…

Quit your job…

Cut your hair…12027780_743664519112904_1971434519681038040_n

Just do something new… Do something thing different because we all know what the definition of insanity is.

Start doing yoga…


Read self development books…

Listen to something positive or educational 30 minutes a day…

Write in a journal…

Talk to a therapist…

Go to bed at a decent time…

Take vitamins…

Get active…

Do things that make you happy….

Hang around people who bring you joy…

Say nice things to yourself…

Dress up…

Repeat affirmations…

What ever you got to do. Because this is not the old journey, so stop living like it is. The good ole days are gone, so let’s leave it in the past. This is a rebirth… This is redemption… This is the reset button… This is your opportunity to shock yourself again. What ever you do just have fun. Let’s make the rest of your life he best of you life.

Until next time.