Pain is a part of being a live…

“Pain is a part of being alive, and we need to learn that. Pain does not last forever, nor is it necessarily unbeatable, and we need to be taught that.” – Harold Kushner

I am in pain but I am not going to complain. My neck and shoulder has throbbed all night but I know it could be worse. I could be dead, laying in a hearse. Just like joy, pain is a part of our lives. It could be spiritual, physical, or emotional pain… This shit it all hurts the same. However, it is a part of life. A wise man once told me, there are things I can control and there are some that I can’t… This pain is something that I cannot control, does not matter what meds I take the pain still comes back. With that said, I can change my attitude, thoughts, behaviors and beliefs about the situation. I could continue to sit and wallow in my self-pity and complain about it until my little heart is content. Oh, the choice I have to make…

For too long I focused on the injury as if it defines me.  However, you and I both know it is not who I am nor what I believe in… I think it is time to look at this situation through a different lens and perspective… A good friend told me that I need to take this situation in spoonfuls… Some days it will be teaspoon, some days it will be tablespoon, and other days it may be one of those big black serving spoons … Either way take my spoonful of this situation, celebrate the good and keep it moving on the bad. Instead of focusing on the pain, celebrate the progress that I am making in physical therapy.  No matter how small the progress is. It will compound on top of each other resulting in big progress.

As I type this blog post, I can’t help but to notice the words, “NO STRUGGLE, NO PROGRESS,” tattooed on my right wrist. It is emblematic to what I learn growing up in Detroit… Which is that you had to go through the struggle, pain, and bullshit to make progress and find victory. I wear this tattoo proudly on my wrist as a reminder of the entire struggle that I been through and all the progress that I have made because of it. I know there others who going through the struggle, I want to you know that struggle is a part of life and without struggle we would not have the opportunity to prove our toughness, perseverance, determination, and drive to ourselves… Because once we have our minds made up, nothing can stop us. Therefore, I urge to take that spoonful of pain and struggle no matter how disgusting it taste and keep it moving…Focus all the good things that will come from this situation…

Until next time,

300 Pounds and Running

There’s beauty in the struggle, ugliness in the success…

It’s beauty in the struggle, ugliness in the success…This has been one of the toughest blog post to write since starting this blog. Since my car accident 1 year ago today, I’ve gained 40 pounds, that’s half of the weight that I have lost since starting this journey. I feel shitty, defeated, and unmotivated. Additionally, I am uninspired to keep this blog going… There have been times where I have literally spent hours in front of my laptop with the Word open with great intentions to write a blog post and nothing comes out. I’ve sat in front of an empty word document so long that I know how many times the bar flashes a minute… 60 (Go Figure). I’ve cried in anger, frustration, and self-pity. Tantrums thrown, punched walls. Thoughts of abandoning this blog where I’ve been click away from shutting it down and going dark. However, there’s something in me that won’t let me press the button. I don’t quit things very easily, especially when it’s near and dear to my heart. I look at my life and I’ve been through worst things like being shot at, witnessing a murder, surviving a police raid, or mourning the suicide of my older brother. I’m not easily broken but it’s something about this situation that is frustrating the shit out of me…There’s beauty in the struggle, ugliness in the success… You know there’s something about the previous sentence that is very resonating. Most of us including myself, go through these struggles and we only see the pain, the despair, the ugliness but we hardly ever see the beauty. There’s a silver lining in all of this, it just has to be. However, I cannot see it and it’s very frustrating not to see the brighter side of a negative situation… I see myself reverting back to the old me and I’m not liking it…So I’m asking for help… What inspires you? What gets you motivated? What do suggest that I do to turn this single ember into a raging ball of fire?

Being injured sucks…

Being injured sucks…

To be perfectly honest I’m feeling a little salty right now. As I sit here with my shoulder and neck throbbing, I pop two pain pills and a muscle relaxer. It so hard not to feel sorry for oneself when it’s been a year  since the first car crash in 2014 and 3 months since second car crash in 2014 and you’re still on the couch in pain. I’m trying to see the bright side of things… Trying to stay positive … Trying to keep things moving. However the pain reminds me that I’m not going anywhere fast and to be quite honest I don’t see a bright side of being in pain… Even though I don’t see a bright side, something in my heart says that it has to be a silver lining. Currently I don’t know what it is… The only thing that I can do now is continue to go to PT, continue to take these meds, and continue to have faith that it will get better…

Until next time…

Just Checking In..

What’s up Goal Crushers!

I hope you that you had a happy and safe New Years. For most of us, the New Year signifies a fresh start. I personal believe that you don’t have to wait to the new year to start over. In my eyes, every day is a chance to do right, to go after your goals, to change your life, or to be great. Don’t let the Monday/New Year mentality hold you back from being the greatest you that you can be…

I have not been around for a while so thought I would check in and let you know what is going on with me.

This past week I had to make a very tough decision and that was to withdraw from the 2015 Brigham and Women’s Hospital Boston Marathon Team.  It was a hard decision and I’m kicking myself for it because It’s one my dreams to run the Boston but I don’t think 2015 was the year for me to run it, so it’s now a dream deferred.

I had my reasons though… 2 car accidents; one in January another in October and now this mystery stomach pain that haven’t been resolved.  It’s safe to say that I had a rough 2014. Even though I felt like I made the right decision by withdrawing, a part of me feels guilty. As if I should have had more faith in the situation and myself that things are going to work out.  Have you ever felt like that?

Besides being stagnant with my fitness and running injured, my 2014 wasn’t all that bad.  I received a master’s degree, I bought a house, and I officially started my public speaking business.  Those are great milestones so I really can’t complain… That much 😉

As far as this blog is concerned, I’m struggling with posting on a consistent basis… It was something that I was good at doing but now it’s like pulling teeth.  I feel like I don’t have much to say if I’m not actually running. Many of my family and friends told me to write about how much it sucks being injured but I’m not the complaining type. So I just go through the motions… I know I said that I was going to do better but my actions haven’t proved it yet. So I joined a writing group and hopefully it will spark my interest for writing again… I think it’s what I need to get the ball rolling…

I know I’m a work in progress and I want to thank all you for your support. Whether it’s a comment, a message on Facebook or a tweet I appreciate all your love and patience as I try to work through some of this stuff. I’m taking it a day at a time that’s all I can do right about now.

I’ll talk to you guys soon

Chase Values. Crush Goals …300 Pounds and Running

Respecting the Process

respecting the process

Goal Crushers,

Lately your boy has been quiet…

I feel like I don’t have much to talk about. Whether I want to believe it or not I am still injured from the accidents…

The races that I planned to run throughout the year, I couldn’t run them and lately my neck has been spazzing out on me…

To add insult to injury I stepped on the scaled and I’m back up to 300 pounds!

::Shakes head:: Man, that sucks… Something told me to stay away from the scale.

A part of me wants to bitch, moan, and blame it on the car accidents… Another part wants to tell myself to get over it, there’s nothing you can do but to go through the healing process and come back better than ever.

And there’s other part of me that is in total in denial about the whole situation. This part of me is so in denial that it does stupid stuff like buy a 3-month subscription to the local CrossFit Gym, like my neck and shoulder is going to allow me to do burpees.

Or sign up to raise $9000 into run in the Boston Marathon, when I don’t know if I’m going to be healed and in marathon shape by then.

See what I mean in denial…

I need to accept where I am in the process and move on from there…

I need to tell myself the truth…

The truth is that I’m not good, I’m not 100% healed from my injuries …

The fact that I’m not 100% is what pisses me off those most…

I want to, need to, yearn to be back to the scheduled regular program  but no matter how much I try to play it off and be nonchalant about it…

I’m not 100% or even 80%…

My best estimate is  I’m about 65% and that’s what hurts the most…

Telling yourself to walk it off, fake it till you make it and It’s not working… Because you honestly can’t do it right now.


Why do we get upset when we don’t respect the process and it doesn’t work out?

Like we’re  immune to not following the process… Boy what a valuable lesson I am learning right now…


I thought I already knew this principle, hell I wrote it in the 300 Pounds and Running Creed

I guess it’s best to take your own advice… Especially when you need it

Respect the process Martinus…

Though we live in the age of instant everything, the human body is slow to recover. So no matter how you want to get back to the regular schedule program, you will have to listen to your body and coast a while until everything checks out… Remember it’s a process, you’ve taken enough anatomy, and physiology courses to know how the healing process works.

Now that I vented about what’s going on with me and these car accidents, I want to open the floor up you…

What do you want me to talk about? Pick a topic any topic… What are you struggling with that I can help you with? Because you can’t possibly want to hear me talk about my injuries for the next couple of months or do you? Let’s have some dialogue, leave a comment below.

Util next time I’m 300 Pounds and Running
Chase Values. Crush Goals.

If you found this post useful please post forward it to a friend or share it on social media..If you like what I’m doing please subscribe. Don’t forget to follow me on Twitter:@300lbsandrunnin, Like the 300 Pounds and Running Facebook Page, if you are on: Instagram I’m @300PoundsAndRunning, YouTube: 300 Pounds and Running, and Nike Plus:@300PoundsAndRunning. Lastly I’ve create a group on Facebook called Crushing Goal Together… This is a new support group to help anyone plan, track, and crush goals, be sure to check it!


Dear Goal Crushers,

Forgiveness is a rebirth of hope, a reorganization of thought, and a reconstruction of dreams. Once forgiving begins, dreams can be rebuilt. When forgiving is complete, meaning has been extracted from the worst of experiences and used to create a new set of moral rules and a new interpretation of life’s events.
– Beverly Flanigan

I come here today to ask for your forgiveness… I’ve been bullshitting… Bullshitting on you, this site, and most importantly on myself… I told you all when I finished my master’s program things would be different… I would blog on a consistent basis. I promised that I would be a source of information and inspiration to you all. Lastly, I told myself when I finished my master’s program I would work towards my true calling in this world …

I come here today in hopes to start the process of rebuilding and gain trust, from you and myself. I could come up with ton of excuses to validate why I haven’t kept my word, but it’s time to accept the facts and start the process of moving on.

The truth is I’m overwhelmed, overextended, and burnt out… Lately, I’ve had my head and hands in so many places… Most of them does not include pursuing my passion of becoming a successful blogger, coach, speaker and thought leader in this niche. To admit this, I also have to admit that I’ve doing a disservice to you and myself. I left you hanging and I let myself down…For that, I apologize.

I hope that you’re able to forgive me and bear with me, while I go through the process of forgiving myself. I ready to put in the blood, sweat, and tears to make this journey a successful one… Let’s call this the calm before the storm…

I ready to do what I do best… CRUSH GOAL S!

Until next time, I’m 300 Pounds and Running

If find this post useful please share it with a friend! If you like what I’m doing please subscribe. Don’t forget to follow me on Twitter:@300lbsandrunnin, Like the 300 Pounds and Running Facebook Page, if you are on: Instagram I’m @300PoundsAndRunning, YouTube: 300 Pounds and Running Dailymile: @300lbsandrunnin, and Nike Plus:@300PoundsAndRunning. Lastly I’ve create a group on Facebook called Crushing Goal Together… This is a new support group to help anyone plan, track, and crush goals, be sure to check it out.