The Paleo Update: 28 Days Down

Paleo Caveman

Well it has been almost a full month since I been on the Paleo Diet. It’s definitely a learning experience as I try to figure out what works for me. I’m going to tell you the truth it’s definitely a process going Paleo, but so far it’s been rewarding. With that said let’s start with…

Somebody is having Paleo pains!!

So my girlfriend’s mother flew the past week to visit. She’s not Paleo and neither my girlfriend (GF) nor I took this into consideration when we found out that she was coming. To be honest I don’t think neither of our families knows that we are on Paleo diet.

So when she landed, she told my GF that she was hungry and to take her the Italian restaurant that we always go to after my races (Joey’s Garlic). So my GF took here and instead of not eating with her mother said made the conscious to break the diet for this occasion. She got the Fettcuni Alla Carbonara; I describe what’s in it in my half marathon recap.

My GF ate less than quarter of the meal, didn’t eat bread or anything and let just say it didn’t sit well with her. According to my GF she felt really heavy, sluggish and just didn’t feel that great until 3-4 days afterwards.

To me I think it’s interesting that her body kind of rejected what she ate after being on Paleo for more than two weeks. It’s like there is a disconnect happening from what her mind likes to eat or what she’s use to eating before Paleo and what her body likes to eat after Paleo. I think this very interesting to note…  Has this ever happened to any of you?

Sugar Withdrawals

I am happy to report that I did not have any symptoms of sugar withdrawals… It only took me 4 weeks to get it right!

Meal Planning

It was my week to do the meal planning, so you know it was a production looking for recipes and such online. Here’s what I ate:

Breakfast Mon-Fri: Tuna Casserole:

Lunch Mon-Fri: Salad and fruit (Mangos, Plums and Strawberries)

Dinner Mon-Tue:

Dinner Wed-Thur:

Dinner Thur- Fri:

Running Performance

I haven’t made it pass that 11 mile mark, but I received a recipe dealing with dates and almond butter that I’m trying out. A made a batch yesterday for my long run and it helped a bit but I didn’t get me past 11 miles. I think I’m going to toy around with the recipe, add a few other ingredients and see if that helps.  If you got any suggestions let me know!!

My Weight

Paleo scale

Lastly my weight is what people is the most curious about. When I started this Paleo Challenge I weighed 286lbs; after 14 days I weighed 281lbs; after 21 days my weight is 277.6lbs;  and after 28 days I weigh 275.9lbs; that’s a total of 10.1lbs lost since being on Paleo.  I am very happy with my progress as I’m still trying to figure out what works for me.

That’s all I have for this week… Here’s to 28 days done and 62 days to go.

If you like what I’m doing please subscribe. Don’t forget to follow me on Twitter:@300lbsandrunnin, Like the 300 Pounds and Running Facebook Page, if you are on: Instagram I’m @300PoundsAndRunning, YouTube: 300 Pounds and Running Dailymile: @300lbsandrunnin, and Nike Plus:@300PoundsAndRunning. Lastly I’ve create a group on Facebook called Crushing Goal Together… This is a new support group to help anyone plan, track, and crush goals, be sure to check it out.

Until next time I’m 300 Pounds and Running


Paleo Update: 14 Days Down

Paleo Caveman

Well this is the second of week of being Paleo and it started off a little rough. Let’s start with…


Somebody’s Cheating!?!

I caught my girlfriend cheating on the diet. Last Sunday I left the house to grab a few things. When I came home I went to throw away some receipts. I open the garbage can to find this brown paper bag taking up half of the garbage can. I opened the bag to find a burger king bag inside of it. I looked at the receipt and seen that she had order a chicken sandwich, fries, a drink and Cinna Minis.  We had a discussion about it, both of us felt some sort a way about the situation, but we came to mutual understanding.

Sugar Withdrawals

This week my sugar withdrawals have been nothing nice! I’m taking about headaches, cravings, energy swings the full monty. Some of the things that I did to combat was to eat super ripe fruit, like pineapples, mangos, grapes, and watermelon, but some days cutting it. I’ll  be full but I didn’t feel satisfied, and that’s when the cravings kicked in. On Monday and Tuesday, I was craving white bread and not just any white bread; I’m talking about the Wonder Bread white bread that sticks to the roof of your mouth and peanut butter on top of it. Wednesday and Thursday my craving was cookies; Chocolate Chip, Thin Mint, Samoa, all of my favorite cookies was coming to haunt me. Then it got me to wondering why god didn’t make lettuce as good as cookies or cake?? You never hear of anyone craving lettuce like the crave sweets. That’s just a food for thought. Eventually my craving tapered down on Friday and I was OK during the weekend. Let’s hope I’m done with the sugar withdrawals.

Meal Planning

It was my girlfriend to do meal planning this week, since she is a busy woman she don’t have time look for Paleo recipes. So she just Paleofied the things that we already eat. Everything was real simple to make and shows that you don’t always need recipes to make Paleo friendly food.

Breakfast All Week– Bacon and Eggs (hard boiled, scrambled, fried)

Boiled Eggs

Lunch Monday-Wednesday – Chipotle Chicken Salad

Chicken Salad

Lunch Thursday –Saturday – Thai Tuna Lettuce Wraps

Dinner Monday-Wednesday – Ground Chicken Stir Fry w/ cucumber relish

Chicken Stir Fry

Dinner Thursday –Friday – Broiled Tilapia w/ broccoli and carrots


Running Performance

As far as my running performance is concerned, I really haven’t seen a decrease. I’ve been running a little slower, but I attribute that to the heat plus I experimenting with minimalist running. Yesterday I ran 11 miles with no problem. I received a few samples of energy bits; they seem to work pretty well. I’m still experimenting with things. Eventually I would like to find a Paleo friendly running fuel and a post run supplement, because my runs are only getting longer and harder as I train for the Detroit Marathon.


My Weight

Lastly my weight is what people is the most curious about. When I started Paleo I weighed 286lbs. After the first seven days I only lost a half of pound.


After 14 days of being Paleo I weigh 281 lbs that’s a loss of 5 lbs lost!! Now my question is was the sugar withdrawals worth the loss in 5 lbs in two weeks? That’s all I have this week here’s to 14 days down and 76 days to go…

P.s. Don’t forget to enter into the Jaybird Freedom Sprint Earbud Giveaway and Blue Diamond Almond Giveaway both are ending soon.

If you like what I’m doing please subscribe. Don’t forget to follow me on Twitter:@300lbsandrunnin, Like the 300 Pounds and Running Facebook Page, if you are on: Instagram I’m @300PoundsAndRunning, YouTube: 300 Pounds and Running Dailymile: @300lbsandrunnin, and Nike Plus:@300PoundsAndRunning. Lastly I’ve create a group on Facebook called Crushing Goal Together… This is a new support group to help anyone plan, track, and crush goals, be sure to check it out.

Until next time I’m 300 Pounds and Running