Visualize Yourself Victorious

Visualize yourself victorious 300 Pounds and running

Are you ready to go to the next level? Are you ready to hit your weight loss goal, run your first race, beat you’re PR, fit into smaller clothes. If so, did you visualize yourself victorious first?

Yes! Goal Crusher are you visualizing yourself victorious? If you not, you are selling you dreams short. Henry Ford said, “Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t–you’re right.” So what are you doing? Are you wishing, praying, hoping things happened or do you have you mind made up that you are going to crush your goals no matter your current situation?

Let me tell you a story, some of you may already know this but it fits into context of today’s message. In 2012, my doctor told me that I was fat; I needed to start walking and lose weight. I told the doctor, SCREW WALKING… I’M GOING TO RUN A MARATHON!  At that instant, when those words left my mouth, I spoke them into existence… Not only did I believe it was going to happen, when I closed my eyes I saw myself being victorious. I saw myself at the finish line with my hands raised. I could feel the weight of the medal around my neck. In my mind, I already finished the marathon… I visualized this, even though I weighed 360 lbs. I visualized this, even though I never ran more than mile at any given time! I visualized this, even though the doctor at me crazy with disbelief. I visualized it and that following year, I ran that marathon! And YOU CAN DO IT TOO!

I come to you today to tell you to don’t wish for it, don’t pray for it, don’t hope for it. Visualize yourself already doing it!!!! Close your eyes and see yourself at the finish line with you arms raised in the air. Feel the moment…Now make up in your mind that you’re going to do it no matter your current situation, no matter your weight, no matter your fitness ability… Because once your mind is made and you can visualize yourself victorious, the universe conspires to make it happen.

Take action today and visualize yourself victorious

300 Pounds and Running
Chase Values, Crush Goals

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