The Paleo Update: 42 Days Down


Well it has been 42 days since I been on the Paleo Diet. It has been a very trying past couple of weeks but I made it through. I feel like every week there is a new challenge which means I have to find creative ways to eat.

Especially when you are out and about with friends or you’re running late to work and you forget to make lunch. One of the biggest challenges is trying to find a tactful way to ask what’s in the food without sounding like an A-hole.

I also notice that on the Paleo Diet is turning me to a less social person. Being that I’m a student, funds are limited so when my friends who are mostly students ask me to go out to eat with them nine times out of ten it’s not at a “farm to table” restaurant… it’s usually pasta, pizza, and happy hour at the bar. Since I don’t have the self-control to turn down food when it’s offered to me, I have to decline the invitation altogether. This leads to me getting fewer invitations to go out with me friends because my diet restrictions.

These are just a few things that none of my Paleo friends told me when I started this challenge. For those of you thinking about going on the Paleo diet this is something to ponder. It’s been rewarding being on Paleo, I started to drop weight like nobody’s business but my social life has changed. It’s something that you have to weigh the options on if you are in a similar situation. With that said let’s start with…


Somebody doesn’t want to be Paleo anymore!!

So my girlfriend doesn’t want to be Paleo anymore… It’s mainly because her philosophy on food is totally opposite than Paleo. When it comes to food for my girlfriend it’s all about the experience and the feeling that she get when she eat food around family and friends… Laughter, Joy, and etc… She feels that the Paleo diet takes laughter and joy from her because it’s mainly focused on eating for nutrition. According to her Paleo is “wack” and she doesn’t like that she has to go through a check list of ingredients before eating something. What really makes this difficult is we live together and I don’t know if there is a happy medium to this issue. I really don’t know what this mean if she does decide to quit… Buying and preparing two separate meals? Yeah that’s illogical. Maybe this means me quitting Paleo also? I don’t know you will have to say tune to see how this play out.

Running Performance

Lately I have felt kind of blah on the running tip but I found my mojo late last week. I am happy to say I finally made it pass the 11 mile mark, it was hardest 14 miles that I ran but I got it down. I think the mild weather and the sweet potatoes that I had the night before might of helped me get there.


My Weight

Paleo Scale

Lastly my weight is what people is the most curious about. When I started this Paleo Challenge I weighed 286lbs; after 14 days I weighed 281lbs; after 21 days my weight is 277.6lbs; after 28 days I weigh 275.9lbs; and after 42 days I weigh 273.5lbs that’s a total of 12.5lbs lost since being on Paleo.

So what are you thoughts on today’s post? 

If you like what I’m doing please subscribe. Don’t forget to follow me on Twitter:@300lbsandrunnin, Like the 300 Pounds and Running Facebook Page, if you are on: Instagram I’m @300PoundsAndRunning, YouTube: 300 Pounds and Running Dailymile: @300lbsandrunnin, and Nike Plus:@300PoundsAndRunning. Lastly I’ve create a group on Facebook called Crushing Goal Together… This is a new support group to help anyone plan, track, and crush goals, be sure to check it out.

Until next time I’m 300 Pounds and Running

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