The Paleo Update: Just Venting


I have been on the Paleo diet for 56 days. Every day that I’m on Paleo there is always a new challenge to overcome. .. These past couple of weeks is no different.

The school year just started which means I will face different scenarios that I didn’t have to worry about in the summer, for example the lunch meeting… See during the summer schedules are usually open. There are rarely any classes to teach and most of the time situations are laid back.

The start of the semester means all of that is gone. Schedules are tight and most of the time to meet with someone who is important means to go out to lunch with them and have the meeting there.

So you meet with that important person at one of the restaurants on campus and you notice that nothing on the menu is Paleo friendly. While you’re trying to make a good impression during the meeting your stomach is growling and you’re trying to figure out what dish could you make easy substitutions to without look like an ass.

Umm can I get a burger on a bed of lettuce?

The waitress, whom is on her first day looks at you confuse like she don’t know how to charge you for the meal. Then she has the audacity to ask why would you want to mess up a perfectly good burger by putting it on a bed of lettuce?  Come on seriously? Why would ask me that question?

Another dreaded situation is the evening programs.  You been on campus since 8 am and when you made lunch that day, you didn’t account for the program running until 8pm.  The program said that they will provide food but the only thing that is Paleo friendly is the salad without the dressing because they only have ranch. That day I had to get creative and have marinara sauce on top on my lettuce.

I don’t know about my other Paleo peeps but these are the things that I experience. I wish somebody could have given me a heads up about it. Yes I’ve made tremendous gains or should I say losses in the weight loss department but it’s at the cost of other portions of my life being effect.

Something as simple as dinner in a movie with my girlfriend has to be modified. No popcorn, nachos, or pop…

Lately I found out that a 20 oz. bottle of water at the movie theater cost around 7 bucks!  7 bucks are you serious?? Because for $6.50 you can get a large popcorn, a large pop, and a slice of pizza but something as simple as water is 7 bucks.

What sense does that make?  What is more economical? This type of stuff makes me want to sneak in food from home. Hey babe put this bag of almonds in your purse before we go to the movies…

There are some exceptions to making changes to everything that I eat when I’m out. One of them was this past weekend. We had a dinner a farm to table restaurant; it was amazing to see that the waitress knew where the grain for the flour to make the rolls came from.

While I sat and look at the menu trying to figure what substitutions I was going to make. It hit me if I can’t eat everything that is on the menu of a farm to table restaurant why spend the money.

With that said I didn’t eat the rolls that were on the table but I did eat the quinoa that came with my grilled calamari and the spaetzle that came with my duck. Finish the night off with ice cream for dessert.  Even though the bill was well over $100… What’s the point if I can’t enjoy it 100%, right?

One thing that being on Paleo taught me  so far is if you are going to have something off diet  at least let it be high quality. I’m sorry if this wasn’t helpful to anyone thinking about going Paleo… I just needed this post to vent…With that said I’m getting off of my soap box…


As far as my weight is concern I currently weigh …

This a 14 lb. loss since being on Paleo.

So what are you thoughts on today’s post? 

If you like what I’m doing please subscribe. Don’t forget to follow me on Twitter:@300lbsandrunnin, Like the 300 Pounds and Running Facebook Page, if you are on: Instagram I’m @300PoundsAndRunning, YouTube: 300 Pounds and Running Dailymile: @300lbsandrunnin, and Nike Plus:@300PoundsAndRunning. Lastly I’ve create a group on Facebook called Crushing Goal Together… This is a new support group to help anyone plan, track, and crush goals, be sure to check it out.

Until next time I’m 300 Pounds and Running

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