How To Stay Motivated In Your Weight Loss/ Fitness Journey?


Hello @Gabrielle5282,

Thank you for reaching out to me on twitter. However, I believe this question needs more than 140 characters… I would be doing you a disservice if I did not go into detail in what I meant.

For me, it really does come down to determination, routine, and accountability. I also believe that it has to be in that order.

Before I start, I want to say that this no way, shape, or form medical advice,  I’m just giving my opinion. I think before you start something you should consult your physician… Additionally all of our journeys are different so your mileage may vary…

Getting up day in and day out to exercise can be daunting task… To be honest it’s downright HARD… Scratch that it’s hard as hell but like the post I wrote earlier in the week it’s hard but it needs to be done.

So what do I mean when I say determination, routine, and accountability?

For beginners, what is your why? What are your fitness values? Besides, of the obvious health reason and benefits to lose weight why do you want to lose weight, get healthy, or physically active? Is it that you have kids or family that you want to stay around to watch them grow or that you don’t want to be restricted  by weight or to improve your confidence? For me, it was to prove my doctor (which ended up being myself) that I can run a marathon. Whatever that maybe I want you to focus on it, hold on to it and never let it go… This will be your fuel to give it your all…

This also means digging deep to find that flickering light of hope… When you find that flickering light try your damnedest to do two thing… Keeps the flame lit and grow it into a raging fire of hope and passion. Use it to progress towards your why.. I guarantee you that all this is hard but It needs to be done…. This is what I call determination.

Secondly, routine is a great thing because it trains you to make things normal in your life… I like to use the analogy of brushing your teeth… Millions of people brush their teeth (sometimes twice a day) and you never see any of them excited about doing it. Why? It’s because they have been  trained  that it is a normal process of life.

People are so dedicated to brushing their teeth that if they are running late to work they will stop and brush their teeth before leaving the house… Even if it’s only for a couple of seconds… Why not take the same mentality for exercise or physical activity?

One way that I get routine physical activity is to incorporate it with a routine that I do already i.e brushing my teeth… I get up brush my teeth and go for a run or do T25 or go to the gym… Sometimes I may even do light exercises while brushing my teeth, whatever I’m feeling for that day.   Now I want you to think about your daily routines. Where can you incorporate physical activity or exercise either before or after the routine.

Lastly, great things have checks and balances. Why not your fitness values? Earlier this year I talked about the four types of people that you need in your life to be successful. What these four types of people have in common is accountability… It’s peer pressure in a good way.  Everybody needs a person to proverbially kick him or her in the pants when they are not doing what you said you are going to do. Additionally, you need some people to give you praise when you are doing good in your journey… So who can you count on?? If don’t I know one person you can count on then count on me…let me know your goals and how are you going to accomplish them. If you haven’t got that far, let’s get together and brain storm some of them…It’s hard but it needs to be done.

So wrap it up… determination, routine, and accountability keeps me motivated to keep going.  I would like to pose this question to the rest of my readers…What keeps you motivate to keep motivated …

If you ever need anything, don’t be afraid to reach out to me … I’m approachable and willing to share my knowledge and lessons learn throughout my journey to everybody. If I can help the next person, I have done my job.  If anyone else, would like to ask me a question email me at Martinus at

If you like what I’m doing please subscribe. Don’t forget to follow me on Twitter:@300lbsandrunnin, Like the 300 Pounds and Running Facebook Page, if you are on: Instagram I’m @300PoundsAndRunning, YouTube: 300 Pounds and Running Dailymile: @300lbsandrunnin, and Nike Plus:@300PoundsAndRunning. Lastly I’ve create a group on Facebook called Crushing Goal Together… This is a new support group to help anyone plan, track, and crush goals, be sure to check it out.

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