How to Master Goal Setting for the New Year

Martinus Evans, a fat man running and author of 300 Pounds and Running Podcast

What’s up Goal Crushers,

Happy 2018!

:: shoots confetti gun and sips on brown liquor:

If you’re like me you couldn’t wait to say so long to 2017 and say what up doe to 2018! Usually, this is time for setting New Year’s Resolutions.

I don’t do resolutions.

Because the word “resolution” means something that you’re going to give up on by April…

….and forget about it until November. I’m not fond of that type of mindset but I digress.

As the residential Goal Crusher, I set goals and more specific I set S.M.A.R.T.Y goals. While I usually do my hardcore goal setting on my birthday. This year Mrs. 300PAR, my friend Santini, and I did an intense evaluation and goal setting session.

I wanted to share this with you all because this method provided us with crystal clear clarity on our goal. As well as give us a way to track them and crush them. So this exercise makes you think about your goals in seven domains: 1) Financial, 2) Social, 3) Cultural, 4) Sexual, Relationship or Intimacy, 5) Physical, 6) Spiritual and 7) Professional.

The goal setting exercises consist of three sessions. The exercise starts with a 5-minute writing prompt to get those creative juices flowing. Some of the questions we had were: 1) Write the first five lines to a children book, 2) If you were a superhero, what would be your name and your superpower, and 3) What are four things that keep you healthy and why. After the creative writing exercise, we talk about our answers for a few minutes then went into the evaluation and goal setting session.

For the evaluation and goal setting exercise, you get addition 5 minutes to write an answer to questions about the specific domain that you working on. The questions are:

Year Evaluation

  • What strengths or things that you did well in this domain for the past year?
  • What weakness or things that you didn’t do well in this domain or need to work on for the past year?
  • What are some things that annoy you or things you DO NOT want people to talk to you about in regards to the domain?
  • What are some things you DO want people to talk to you about in regards to this domain?

Goal Setting

  • Overall goal or goal(s) that you want to accomplish before the year is over. (If your goals don’t work on bettering your weaknesses, there is disconnect on what you feel like you need to improve on from the last and what you want to improve. Ask yourself why is this happening?)
  • First quarter goals or things you want to accomplish in the first three months of the year that will help you in completing your goal for the year.
  • Second quarter goals or things you want to accomplish in the second quarter of the year that will help you in completing your goal for the year.
  • Third quarter goals or things you want to accomplish in the third quarter of the year that will help you in completing your goal for the year.
  • Fourth quarter goals or things you want to accomplish in the fourth quarter of the year that will help you in completing your goal for the year.

After the 5 minutes are up, we discussed the specific goals. Then asked further questions to fine tune each goal and how we can help keep each other accountable with those goals. To give you some inspiration to try this method yourself. Below you will find what I put down for the physical domain of goal setting.

Martinus Evans Physical Evaluation

Strengths: As most of you know I have some Achilles issues for most of 2017. Something that I will call a strength or something that I felt I did good was that I tried multiple methods to help my Achilles heal. I did things like Ultrasound Therapy, Physical Therapy, and Phototherapy/PRP Therapy. I listen to my body and did not do anything that would cause more injury. That also meant deferring The New York City Marathon to 2018 even though my Achilles was around 90% and I was feeling good about running. With all that said, I did pick up a new sport to help me stay active during my downtime of not running. That was cycling which is equally addictive to running and much more expensive. Cycling has given me the same excitement that I had when I started running.

Weaknesses: Something that I needed to work on 2017 as I gain a significant amount of weight back. I’m assuming that the weight also prolonged healing my Achilles injury.

Some things I don’t want people to talk to me about in regards to the physical domain: I wish people would stop talking to me about how fat I am and how running will mess up my knees. I’ve been running since 2012 and my knees are fine.

Things I want people to talk to me about in regards to the physical domain: I want people to talk to me about upcoming races. Also talk to me about gear, more specifically cycling gear. My ass and sometimes my nuts hurts from riding. I know it’s because I haven’t found the right saddle for me (and before you ask, yes, I got a bike fit). I would say finding a saddle that’s comfortable to me is my biggest barrier to cycling now. Also, give me positive affirmations to help me move my body as much as possible. Lastly, talk to me about what it takes to train for an Ironman, or a triathlon, or a duathlon, along with talking to me about running and cycling in general.

Martinus Evans Goals for 2018

First quarter goals: My first quarter goals are to find races to sign up for so I’m thinking 5Ks, 10K, Half Marathons and Full Marathon. My second goal is to find a saddle that does not hurt my ass or my nuts #HelpMyAss. My third goal is to find a beginner race to sign up to ride. My fourth goal is to start beginner cycling program to train for my race.

Second-quarter goals: First goal is to races and get medals! The second goal is to start and complete a 30-day push-up, sit-up, plank, and squat challenge.

Third-quarter & Four-quarter goals: Lose at least 50 pounds, compete at least two century rides, and NYC marathon.

There you have it Goal Crushers this is how you properly evaluate the previous year and set goals for this year. What do you guys think about this method? Is this something that you would like to try? If so, I have a treat for you! Sign up below you will get a worksheet that will walk you throughout this process.

Get the Goal Setting worksheet

Enter your First Name and Email Address to get the Goal Setting Worksheet

*Your email address is safe with us. We never share your information with anyone.


Well there you have it I wish you all nothing but success and prosperity in 2018.

Until next time keep crushing those goals,

-Martinus Evans

5 Reasons to Start Running Now


Hey there goal crushers! Today we’re going to get right down to it and talk about reasons to actually get up off your couch and start running. Here’s five of the biggest and best reasons to strap on those running shoes and hit the treadmill.


1. There’s No Real Barrier to Entry

It’s true that you’re going to need a good pair of running shoes if you want to get the best out of running, but besides that you don’t need much. There’s no real barrier to entry, and everyone pretty much knows how to run already. This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t talk to a personal trainer if you can, just to get some education on how to run effectively, but you don’t need a costly gym membership to jog a couple of times around the block every day.


2. Overall, It’s Great for Your Body

You might get warned off from running as a hobby because of the potential for injury to your knee joints. Well, the good news is that conditions like Runner’s Knee are preventable and manageable, and engaging in aerobic exercise like running will benefit your body more than it might injure it. Running is a great way to lose weight, and obesity has been tied to joint damage much more than running, so do the math!


3. It’s Got Mental and Emotional Benefits, Too

Everyone knows running is a great way to keep physically fit, but the emotional and mental benefits of running are high as well. Exercise is an excellent stress reducer, and scientific experiments have gathered evidence to support that claim. Exercise like running has shown to reduce physiological stress and elevate mood more than simple rest, so hit the bricks and jog your worries away!


4. It May Be a Natural Cancer Fighter

The majority of experts agree that engaging in regular exercise can help minimize the risk for a number of different cancer types, including lung cancer, colon cancer, and breast cancer. While there are environmental and genetic components to being susceptible for cancer, many studies have shown that runners could reduce their chances of contracting colon and breast cancer by 24 percent and 30 percent respectively.


5. You’ll End Up Living a Longer, Happier Life

A long-term Stanford University School of Medicine study followed around a thousand individuals, about half runners and half non-runners, for around 20 years. Those who ran regularly, and continued to do so as they aged, were in much better shape at the end of the study – and 85 percent of the runners were still alive and kicking. Only one out of every three of the non-runners stuck around.

Honestly, this all speaks for itself doesn’t it? Not only will you feel better inside and out, you’re likely to live longer and have a better quality of life to boot. Still, these aren’t the only reasons to start running; if you’ve got your own reasons – and we all do – share them in the comments below!
That’s it for now. Keep crushing those goals, and we’ll be back next week with another exciting topic!

When Sh*t Hits the Fan: What to Do if You Have to Poop on a Run

poop whie running

There’s an old bit from a Robin Williams stand-up routine: a marathon runner crosses the finish line and he’s being interviewed. “How do you feel?” the interviewer asks him.

“I’m alive!” the marathoner shouts. “I’m covered in my own shit – but I’m alive!”

It’s one part funny and two parts gross – like all poop jokes – but there’s some truth in there, goal crushers: runners tend to run into a lot, and I mean way too many, gastrointestinal problems on long runs. More than one marathon runner has had to interrupt their run to go dash to the port-a-potty (or even worse, a close-by bush) and answer the call of the wild at the worst possible time.



How is This a Thing?

Runner’s Diarrhea is distressingly common. A combination of the stress and excitement leading up to a race, the fact that blood migrates away from your intestines to power your muscles during a run, and poor choices when it comes to pre-race food can cause your innards to tie themselves up in knots and then leave you no choice but to evacuate your bowels – usually in the middle of a race or a run when you’re far from any gas station bathrooms. It’s so common that some scientific journals have found as many as 93 percent of runners have had at least one symptom of gastrointestinal distress during a long run or a race, whether it’s gas, cramping, or having to make a mad dash for the tree line.



Please Tell Me There’s a Way to Avoid It!

Don’t worry – not every long-distance runner ends up pooping themselves on race day. There are plenty of things you can do to reduce your chances of encountering GI distress while long-distance running. The biggest is making sure you don’t have anything in your system in the first place. Don’t eat anything up at least two hours before race time. This doesn’t include water of course – you’ve got to stay hydrated – but some nutritionists say that warm water should be avoided, as it has the annoying habit of kick-starting your gastrointestinal gag reflex, if you know what I mean.

Additionally, make sure your diet in the days leading up to your long run is relatively devoid of dairy, fatty foods, and high-fiber foods – basically the types of foods that help you go if you need to. As long as you continue to drink plenty of water you won’t run the risk of becoming constipated, but your body’s need to eliminate waste should slow down pretty dramatically as a result.

Finally, if you’re really worried that you’ll end up on the local news with your running shorts around your ankles and a roll of toilet paper in your hands, you can always take some Imodium, Pepto-Bismol, or a similar “gastric distress” product just prior to race time. Yes, this might end up backing you up worse than I-95 at rush hour, but if the alternative is to poop your pants on a run, the temporary (and very much private) pain and suffering may be worth it.



If All Else Fails…

Of course, sometimes not all the prep in the world can guarantee you a poop-free long distance run. Best advice in this case is to take a look at the route ahead of time and see if there are any places you can relieve yourself safely and securely. If you’re going to be traveling an urban route, look for restaurants, gas stations, and other places along the route that you can make a pit stop safely. Scout out the locations of any port-a-johnnies beforehand as well, if you can. Otherwise, just pray that your guts don’t start a-gurgling!

What about you? Ever end up with bubble-gut while on a run? Share your own stories below – or tips on how to avoid the ignoble fate of crapping in public.

Until next time – keep crushing those goals!

4 Ways Running Improves Your Health

4 Ways Running Improves Your Health

What’s up goal crushers! This week we’re going to be talking about some of the best reasons to get up off the couch and get out there on the treadmill or the track several times a week: the overall improvements to your health you can experience by taking up running as a hobby.

It doesn’t take much to get your body humming along in ways that will increase your overall health. In fact, just hitting the gym five times a week for a short 30 minute run or jog is enough to get your blood pumping and your mind and body humming along. And if you’re not convinced, here are some of the best ways that running can improve your health. Check it out!


1. There’s Nothing Better for Weight Loss

Everyone knows that exercise is a major component of weight loss. Running is a fantastic way to get your body’s ability to burn calories into overdrive, especially since you’ll continue to burn calories even after a running session is over. It’s called excess post oxygen consumption (EPOC) and it’s a highly effective weight loss method. This isn’t just technical mumbo jumbo either – look at my before-and-after pictures and you’ll see how much weight I dropped from running!

2. Your Joints Will Thank You

Anyone that tells you that running is bad for your knees needs their head examined. The truth is that running will strengthen your joints (including your knees) as well as your bones. Running actually increases bone mass, which can help to prevent the development of osteoarthritis when you age. Yes, if you’re not used to running you can develop some joint pain in your knees, but it’s usually minor and temporary – and can be prevented by a good pair of running shoes and not straining yourself.

3. It’s Proven to Extend Your Life

Running makes you live longer. It’s true – just meeting that minimum requirement of 30 minutes of exercise five times a week has been scientifically proven to add years to your life. Whether you’re a smoker, a non-smoker, a cancer survivor, or if you’ve got heart disease, research has shown you can extend your life from anywhere between 2.6 years and 5.3 years. That’s a massive bump, and one that’s hard to ignore.


4. It Makes Your Twilight Years Brighter

What good is extending your life by a few years if you end up having a miserable time because of failing mental and physical health? Well, the good news is that studies have shown runners don’t just stay healthier and more physically sound in their twilight years but their minds remain more intact as well. You’re likely to be around 50 percent sharper than non-runners when it comes to mental tasks like cognition and memory retention when you’re older. That’s a serious margin!

So there you have it goal crushers – plenty of reasons to get off the couch, strap those running shoes to your feet, and work up a sweat for at least half an hour for five days a week. And it doesn’t even have to be running either if you’re not ready for it – just walking around the block a few times can get your body and mind in better shape to actually start working on that 5K training plan.

So what are the ways you’ve experienced your own health to improve after taking up running? Share your experiences and stories in the comments and we’ll see you next week!

Until next time keep crushing those goals,


PS. I just open my first first beta group for my Zero to 5K Training Program. If you really want to start running but don’t know where to start. I’m here to guide you along the way. Click here to get more information on the Zero to 5K Online Training Program. Act now because the first 10 people to sign up will receive FREE 30 Minute Coaching Session.

So what are you waiting for?

Sign up for the Zero to 5K Training Program Today!





How to Master the Runner Mindset

How to Master the Runner Mindset

What’s up goal crushers! Today we’re going to be taking a step back from the physical side of running and look at it from another angle altogether.

Now I know what you’re gonna say – “Martinus, what are you talking about? There’s nothing but physical when it comes to running!” However, you couldn’t be more wrong. When it comes to running, it’s nearly as mental as it is physical.

That’s why keeping in the right mindset is so important. Unless you can master the runner mindset you’re going to have some serious problems staying motivated on your path from your couch to your first 5K. Here’s some things to think about when it comes to mastering your mind as well as your body.


You’re a Runner, So See Yourself That Way

The first thing you need to keep in mind is that if you’ve strapped those running shoes on, you’re a runner. Thinking of yourself as a beginner or someone who just runs for a hobby is fine, but you’ve got to classify yourself as a runner from the very beginning, no matter your current proficiency or health level. Not doing so gives you an excuse to quit whenever you hit an obstacle: “well I wasn’t really a runner anyhow.” You’re better than that, so don’t think that way!


Stay in the Present

Whether you’re running on a treadmill or you’re jogging down the street, running gives you a lot of time in your own head. This can lead to your mind wandering, often to negative places – you can easily start thinking about things you wished you’d done differently in the past, or feelings of being unable to achieve your goals in the future. Instead, you’ve got to stay in the present. Stop those negative thoughts in their tracks and concentrate on putting one foot in front of the other.


Pay Attention to Your Body

If you’re having trouble staying in the moment while you run, consider shifting your attention to your body. Feel the pavement or the treadmill under your feet through the soles of your running shoes. Listen to the rasp of your breath. Count your heartbeats. Additionally, pay attention to any minor aches and pains you might feel beyond the usual fatigue of running. If you find yourself experiencing a sharp or persistent pain, consider taking a day off from your running regime or going to the doctor. Mastering the runner’s mindset is all about keeping yourself healthy enough to run!


Be Confident and Proud

Whether you’re walking into the gym for the first time or you’re stepping up to the starting line of your first 5K, walk with purpose and pride. You’re a runner, so hold your head up high with confidence, even if you feel like you haven’t earned it. Studies have shown that presenting yourself as powerful and confident can have positive physiological effects, and that in turn will make your runs more enjoyable and more productive!

So there you have it – just a few ways to master that all-important runner’s mindset. Do you have any tips or tricks that work for you? Leave them in the comments section below!

Until next time – keep crushing those goals!

What You Should Pack for Your First Race

What You Should Pack for Your First Race

What’s up, goal crushers!

So you think you’re ready for your first race. You’ve trained, you’ve prepared, and you’re motivated to get out there and do it. It doesn’t matter if you’re doing a 5k, a half marathon, a full marathon, or anything in between – if you believe you can do it and you’ve done the right training, you can get out there and run that race successfully.

However, don’t fool yourself. You’re entering into a world you’ve never experienced before. Running a real race ain’t like hitting the treadmill at Planet Fitness. Your body might be ready, but you’re going to do better if you keep in mind a few tips as to what you should be packing to take with you on this all-important first race. To that end, here are some things to keep in mind!


Pre-Race Preparation

Whether your race is around the corner from you or it’s across the country, make sure to bring some things to prepare you once you get to the starting line. Make sure you pack sunscreen, as even on cloudy days you can still get badly sunburned if you’re not careful – UV rays go right through the clouds, after all. Likewise, pack a skin lubricant to prevent chafing and blistering, especially if you’re doing a half-marathon or a full marathon. Make sure you’re hydrated and you’ve got a healthy pre-race snack on hand if needed, so don’t forget the water bottle or an energy bar. If you can’t bear to be apart from your phone, a belt or an armband to stow it safely while you run is also a great idea. Finally, an extra roll of toilet paper can be a lifesaver if the porta-potties on site run out!

Read More: Running While Fat: Chafing in Intimate Places


During the Race

Weather-appropriate clothing is going to be super important. You’ve got to bring a running top and either tights or shorts depending on what sort of weather you’re expecting. Next, make sure you’ve got your best wicking socks to keep your feet dry in your running shoes (you did bring your running shoes, right?) as well as a pair of sunglasses and a visor or a hat in case it’s sunny out.  If there’s advance packet pickup, bring some safety pins along with your race bib, and don’t forget to write your ID on the back of your bib before the race starts!


Post-Race Preparation

This one is easy, especially if you’ve already done the rest of your packing prep. The biggest thing to have ready for you post-race is a comfortable set of dry clothes, including socks, to change into once you pass the finish line. A jacket is great too, especially in colder weather. A backup pair of dry shoes, or even ultra-comfortable sandals can be ideal as well (feel free to ignore the no-socks-with-sandals rule). Finally, get plenty of fluids and a post-race snack into you so you don’t crash or dehydrate.

Don’t consider this an exhaustive list, by the way. You can add or subtract to these packing items as you wish, though you might want to test your loadout by experimenting while on one of your training runs. Trial-and-error is fine, but you might want to get all that out of the way well before you set out to your first race!

What do you think of this list? Got any additions, questions, or comments of your own? Leave a comment below! Until next time keep crushing those goals!