What Are Your Fitness Values? Part 2

300 Pounds and Running's fitness values

What’s up goal crushers! In my previous post I discussed my first fitness value and the background of which it came from. Since the New Year is upon us I only see fit to write the rest of my values and make it plain for everyone else to see.

My second fitness value may sound like the first fitness value “To experience life without the restriction of weight,” but it’s totally different; I would say that they go hand in hand with each other. Fitness values #2 is: Not to be restricted by my fitness level.

This value will help me stay in shape once I hit my goal size. Some possible goals that I can see coming from fitness value #2 is running marathons, duathlons, triathlons, mud races, join a flag football league, playing with my kids (when I have some) and going out and dancing all night long… Basically any and everything that will keep me active throughout the years.

Fitness value #3 is not necessarily fitness related but a value nonetheless that is:  To be a source of assistance, inspiration, and motivation for others to move closers towards their fitness values.

Some initial goals that is consistent with this value is to be constantly involved weight loss community and writing blog posts on a more consistent basis (This is something that I struggled with during the semester but I’m actually going to make  a conscious effort to make sure I’m putting out new content on a weekly basis.) I also could see myself doing some coaching, possibly starting my own hashtag and Twitter chats, possibly speaking engagements… The possibilities are endless.

This value to make sure that I help others along the way so I succeed others succeed.

Lastly my fourth fitness value is: To have fun while working towards my other values. I think this one is self-explanatory I don’t want working towards my values to become a chore. This means always being open to try new things.

I think this is a good core group of values for me to have… Ladies and gentlemen 300 PAR is evolving in front of your eyes and there are only good things to come in 2014.

With that said what are your values for 2014?

Until next time

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What Are Your Fitness Values?

300 Pounds and Running's fitness values

In the last post I posed the question “What are my fitness values?” And that really got me to thinking…

So I busted out the pen and paper and thought about what people would say about me now at my funereal if I died today (as morbid is it is.. it really helped).  A few things came to mind however I’m not going to discuss them. Then I thought about what I wanted people to say about me when I’m dead. Then came up with some fitness values that are in line with those things. Here are a few things that I came up with:

One of my  fitness values come from life experiences,  all my life I’ve been the biggest person in the room and by being the biggest person in the room there are certain things that I experienced  and that I want to experience but  couldn’t  because of my size.

For example: I remember going to summer camp in the third or fourth grade and not being able to get a camp t-shirt nor  a shirt with my team name on it  because I was the biggest kid there. So when we had team challenges I was always stood out in more ways in one. The only black kid in the camp and I didn’t have shirt.

Not to make this a race thing but you have to understand where I came from…Detroit and the metro Detroit area is of the most segregated places in the U.S.  The city of Detroit was about 99% black, however the surrounding cities were about 1% black and further  you got pass 8 mile, such as 22 mile (yes there is such a thing), that number would be less than 1%.

So when I didn’t get a shirt at camp. I had to question is it because I’m the only black person here or is it because I’m the biggest kid here or is it both? I know now it’s because of my size but as a kid you don’t know and it makes you feel less than worthy either way.

I also remember the last day of camp where we had this obstacle course think Tough Mudder before it was cool. My team was in the lead throughout the race until we got to the last obstacle which was the wall. Being the biggest kid I helped everyone get over the wall but when it was my turn they couldn’t get me over. Eventually our team was disqualified because everyone i.e. me, didn’t make it through all the obstacles. The team blamed me for the loss.