Happy New Year, Now Go Crush Goals

New Year Resolution List

What’s up Goal Crushers-

I tried to write something motivational for the New Year but when I finished it didn’t seem natural. It didn’t feel like something that I wanted to hear. It didn’t feel right. So, I ripped those pages out of my journal and I decided to write from my heart. So here it goes…

The New Year is here but nothing has changed!!! No, you’re not caterpillar that broke out of its cocoon and turn into a butterfly overnight. You’re the same person you were last night (probably with a hangover).

The New Year is here but nothing has changed!!!


So, what’s my point?

Nothing is going to change until we change the way we think about time.

A couple weeks ago, I was at Target and I saw this hour glass.

Hour Glass

I don’t know about you about you but something about hour glasses always resonated with me. To me it seems to be the most accurate representation of how time (and ultimately life) works. Time is not cyclical nor is it infinite. Time is finite and it’s the most valuable resource that we have. We can’t get time back just like we can’t get back that grain of sand that’s at the bottom of the hour glass.  Once it’s gone, it’s gone.

So, what does that mean for you?

It means you’re getting older with every second and one day the sands in your “life” hour glass is going to run out. Unlike the hour glass we can’t make an estimation of the time we have left. With that said, I urge you to make the best of every moment that you have. If you want to start running, then lace up and go do it. If you want to beat your PR then train and do it. If you want to take a trip across the country then go and send me a postcard! What I’m trying to say is life is too short to be bullshitting, to be in your head, and to be talking about should of, could of, and would of…


Is the most important thing in life. Go do things that inspire you, make you happy, make you laugh, go help someone!!! Whatever you want do go do it now before it’s too late.

Here’s to getting shit done and crushing goals in 2019,


How To Stop The New Year’s Resolution Cycle… (With Mini-Goals)

New Year Resolution List

New Year's Resolution Cycle mini goal

What’s up goal crushers,

We did it… We finally made it to 2016. I know you have New Year’s Resolutions, new goals, new dreams, and aspirations that you are eager to take on headfirst. But first, I urge you to pause for a second and reflect on your 2015…

See yourself in January of 2015; you said good riddance to 2014 and you’re ready to do all types of awesome things. You had new resolutions, new goals, new dreams, and aspirations, and you were eager to take them on head first. Do you see any similarities between the beginning of this year and the beginning of 2015?

This time last year you said, “it was going to be different”, you were going to make a change… However by February or March, your New Year resolution was sitting on the back burner and you haven’t made any progress since January. By July, you noticed how much time has went by and you remind yourself that you still have time to accomplish your resolutions. You just needed to adjust it a bit and you go at it with full enthusiasm. By September, life happens and you put your resolutions on the back-burner again (This is why I don’t like New Years Resolutions). By the time Halloween comes around, you looked up and you wonder where in the hell has the year gone. You figure there is only one solution to the problem and that is to call bankruptcy on your New Year’s resolution, give it all up and try again next year because all that you want to do is make it through the year all in one piece. By Christmas, you start to ponder about your New Year’s resolutions for 2016 and by New Year’s Eve, you’re ready to make the New Year your bitch… Do you see any similarities between the beginning of this year and the beginning of 2015?

This is what I call the “New Year’s Resolution Cycle… Are you reading this shaking your head because this is hitting too close to home? I know it’s hitting close to home because I’ve been in the same New Year’s Resolution Cycle with you year after year and I’m tired of it. What about you? Are you tired of feeling like you’re running on a hamster wheel? If the answer is yes, today I urge you to break the cycle, reconsider your resolutions, and try something different.

For 2016, instead of doing it big with grand resolutions, this year I’m doing it real small. Focus on achievable mini goals that you can measure every day, every week, and every month. See, it is easy to get caught up in the hype and set these huge goals. While these goals help you focus on your life and where we want to be. Getting started and staying consistent on these goals can be tricky and that’s why you fail. With our ever-evolving lives, the solution to this problem is to set incremental and achievable mini goals every day, every week, and every month. These mini goals will allow you to regularly accomplish something and stay focused on your next step in your journey.

Hopefully by sharing what my mini goals look like for 2016, it will give some inspiration for your mini goals. Here are my mini goals for 2016:

Every day

  • Do some sort of physical activity. Whether it’s running, walking, stretching, or dancing I am committed to doing at least 30 minutes of physical activity every day. Unless I am sick, I shouldn’t have any reason to be sedentary all day long.

Every week

  • Run at least 3 days. One of my 30 goals before 30 is to run another half marathon. To accomplish that goal, I will need to be running. Additionally, most half marathon training plans require that you run at least three times a week so I’m preparing myself to do the training.
  • Weigh myself only once. The scale can drive you bat shit crazy so I’m restricting myself to the scale once a week.

Every month

  • Run the race every month. Running races keeps me honest, it makes me have something to forward to during times of low. There’s something about the race environment that keeps me inspired and fills me with joy. I want to have that feeling as much as I possibly can.

So there you have it my mini goals for 2016. What do you think about them? What are your thoughts on going small for 2016? What are your plans to break the resolution cycle? Leave a comment below.

Until next time, keep crushing goals!

The Only Motivational Post You Need To Crush Yours Dreams!

Every year we make new goals and resolutions…

We say clichés things like, “New Year, New Me” or “I’m going to make this year my bitch” …

Every year we say, “This year it’s going to be different”…

We clean our house…

We throw away old clothes…

We light incense…

Some of you have gone as far as burning sage through out your whole house….

All for what, to give up on your dreams by mid-March?

Instead of wasting time and doing all of these useless rituals that don’t make any sense. How about you…




Yes, just do it like a Nike commercial… Do it like it is your last day on this earth. Because in all reality, it just may be your last day! No more waiting, go after your dreams…



How many times have you said that you are going to start on Monday? How many times has Monday came and you have an excuse on why you can’t do it?



Why aren’t you making time for your dreams and aspirations? Why aren’t you making time for the most important person in your life? I’m talking about you! We all know life happens. But life happens to everyone, that’s not a good enough excuse.



No, don’t let your dreams be dreams…

Do you know what happens to a dream deferred???

It shrivels up like a raisin in the sun…

Do you want that to happen to your dreams???




Instead of waiting until Monday, what can you do today to work towards your dreams? How about turning off the TV and doing something productive?




Now, I know you got to watch your shows but in order to get different results you must do something different. So I ask you what are you going to do differently to accomplish your goals and make your dreams come true?




You can’t use time as an excuse anymore… We all have the same 24 hours in a day. You have to make the most of the time you have here on this earth….

So what are you going to do differently?

Wake up earlier?

Stay up later?

Work on it during your lunch break?

Turn off your TV?

Put down your cell phone?

Log off social media?

What are you going to differently to accomplish your dreams?





Don’t wait… Don’t hesitate… The time is now to make your dreams come true! If you don’t start now, this time next year you’re going to wish you did!!!



Goal crushers, I want you to be the best you, you can be. If you’re not working on your dreams, you’re working towards someone else’s.

Ponder on that for a second or two…





One Mississippi…






Two Mississippi…





Every second, every minute, and every hour that you are not working on dreams, you are working on someone else’s dreams. Now, I understand that you may have kids, a job, or other responsibilities. We all do… I want you to understand something; you are not your kids, your job, or other responsibilities. Don’t let that consume your life!

I’m going to let you in on a little secret…

You are going to have to make a sacrifice to make time for you to work on your dreams. For those who may be wondering what sacrifices I’ve made… I wake up every day at 5:30 am, I haven’t had cable in two years and I limit myself to about two hours of TV time a day. So, I ask you what are you going to do differently today, not tomorrow, or Monday?

What are you going to do today that will put you one-step closer to your dreams? Leave your answer in the comment section below.

In the words of Shia Labeouf …



Until next time, keep crushing goals

8 Day Streak + Other Things On My Mind

Look outside it’s a bird… It’s a plane… Oh wait it’s just my big ass running. For the past eight days I’ve forced myself to lace up and run. It’s not pretty… It’s far from those inspirational running pictures that give you some clever quote to make you feel good inside. Naw this is pavement pounding…Breathing hard…Sweating uncontrollably… Oh God, I’ve only ran 10 minutes…Type of running… The most rewarding thing about this besides finishing couch to 5K (Woot! Woot!) is that I ran for eight days straight and going for nine-days straight today. It’s looking like it’s the beginning of something monumental. Things are moving in the right direction.


Day 8 the #runstreak continues. #blackmenrun #bigguysrun #runchat #run #inspire #inspiration #inspirational #fitfam #fitness

A photo posted by 300poundsandrunning (@300poundsandrunning) on

Another thing that is on my mind is my weight, even though I haven’t been tracking (actively) I still step on my withings scale from time to time. I can see that the pounds are starting the inch their way up since the car accident. I can’t do much about the past other than try to stay out of my head and move forward. However I think it is time to take an objective look at my weight and at least start posting and talking about it.

To give y’all a little background I started journey weighing around 360 pounds. The lowest that I’ve been is 277 pounds, which is an 83 pound weight loss (if anybody is counting). I stepped on the scale yesterday and my current weight is 342.3 pounds, a 65 pound gain since the car accident in January 2014. I’m not surprised at all, this is what happens when you’re not able to work out, feel sorry for yourself, and eat everything within an arm’s reach. No I’m not surprised. However, I’m surprised that I did not gain it all back or even more.

Weight chart

Most people will say if you did it once you can do it again.  Theoretically, that makes sense. However, for the person that is going through this, something is different about them… I’ve seen people lose over 100 pounds, gained it back plus an extra 50 and when you talk to them they seem defeated. Like all hope is gone. Maybe they don’t have the confidence like they did in the first time around. Or maybe they feel like why bother? I don’t feel defeated or why bother, but I do know my journey has changed a bit. For those going through this I understand what you are going through and the best advice that I can really give you is it’s a process. Make a plan and work that plan every single day. Don’t think of it as trying to lose 80 or 100 pounds all at once but rather losing 1 pound 80 or 100 times…

I once wondered why I should continue with this blog. How can inspire someone when I’m having struggles of my own? That’s when I realize that being open, honest, and laying it out on the table is by far the best inspiration that I can ever give anybody. See as a blogger sometimes I feel that we are overly positive about the events in our lives. We sometimes discuss the bad but never the ugly. However, life is good, bad, and ugly and how are you supposed to make any real connection with anyone if you are showing just one side. Here is my truth, I certainly won’t be the first person to lose a significant amount of weight and gain it back, I most likely won’t be able to last, and I believe someone can learn from these experiences…We are not alone in this journey… That is all!

What do you think of today’s post? Leave a comment below.

Until next time,

300 PAR

If you found this post useful please post forward it to a friend or share it on social media..If you like what I’m doing please subscribe. Don’t forget to follow me on Twitter:@300lbsandrunnin, Like the 300 Pounds and Running Facebook Page, if you are on: Instagram I’m @300PoundsAndRunning, YouTube: 300 Pounds and Running, and Nike Plus:@300PoundsAndRunning. Lastly I’ve create a group on Facebook called Crushing Goal Together… This is a new support group to help anyone plan, track, and crush goals, be sure to check it!

Darkness Before The Light

What’s up Goal Crushers,

Lately I’ve been quiet. That’s not a good thing but it’s not necessary a bad thing either. I’m working through some depression.  It will pass and I will be back to my old self in no time. I keep telling myself to “get out of your head.” Which is easier said than done and I know a lot of people suffer from this. It’s a tedious process to pull yourself out of the depths of darkness. No matter how many conversations you have with your partner, family or friends you have to want to get out of the darkness in order for you to get out of your own way.

Last week I started running again (Yay go me). It’s a painstaking process to get me out there, similar to pulling teeth.  I’m not really the slightest motivated to get out there. So I am literally forcing my big ass to get outside and put one foot in front of another. I do a lot of cursing during these runs… However, when it’s all said and done I do feel better.

I have a bit of a streak going on… If I can get out there today it will be 6 days in a row. My goal is to keep going until I look forward to running or at least feel happy about the thought of going running.  It’s hard… However, I made it a top priority in my life so it has to get done.


I know everyday won’t be like this… Even though sometimes it doesn’t feel like it. But you have to push through it, even if that means you have to force yourself to smile, laugh, or in my case run…. Eventually it will get better…. This is just a small blip of darkness before your light shines bright.

What do you think of today’s post? Leave a comment below.

Until next time,

300 PAR

If you found this post useful please post forward it to a friend or share it on social media..If you like what I’m doing please subscribe. Don’t forget to follow me on Twitter:@300lbsandrunnin, Like the 300 Pounds and Running Facebook Page, if you are on: Instagram I’m @300PoundsAndRunning, YouTube: 300 Pounds and Running, and Nike Plus:@300PoundsAndRunning. Lastly I’ve create a group on Facebook called Crushing Goal Together… This is a new support group to help anyone plan, track, and crush goals, be sure to check it!

I’m Possible

A couple of weeks ago I competed in the Toastmasters District 31 International Speech Contest. There was a lot on the line… The winner went on the semi-finals of the World Championship of Public Speaking in Vegas. I practiced the speech seven times a day and I recorded myself every time I gave the speech. Within three weeks, I  gave my speech at 12 different Toastmasters clubs. My speech was polished! I knew in my heart and soul that I had this competition in the bag. On the day of the competition, I gave the best performance I could. And when it was time to give out trophies I was called first… I received third place….


Martinus third place World Championship of Public Speaking


For many that’s a great accomplishment. But for me it wasn’t enough… Winning isn’t everything it’s the only thing… But the lesson in all of this is that sometimes your best isn’t good enough… Sometimes you lose and it happens when it need to happen…

Just ask Beyoncé at Star Search….


or Floyd Mayweather at the 1996 Olympics…

Thier respective “losses” was a turning point in their lives as it is a turning point in my life. This is not the end…. This is just the beginning… I feel like I got my fire back… I feel like I’m more focused… I feel more motivated… I feel like I’m Possible….I’ll see y’all at the top!



Defy The Odds,


If you found this post useful please post forward it to a friend or share it on social media..If you like what I’m doing please subscribe. Don’t forget to follow me on Twitter:@300lbsandrunnin, Like the 300 Pounds and Running Facebook Page, if you are on: Instagram I’m @300PoundsAndRunning, YouTube: 300 Pounds and Running, and Nike Plus:@300PoundsAndRunning. Lastly I’ve create a group on Facebook called Crushing Goal Together… This is a new support group to help anyone plan, track, and crush goals, be sure to check it!