Running Shoe Reviews From A Fat Guy

Big Man Running Shoes

Big Man Running Shoes I’m big, overweight/ obese, fat, plump, heavy set, big boned, pudgy and I’m a runner. Let’s be honest, big people who run do not fit the mold. We get treated like outliers…nobody really knows how to deal with us… Many discard us as if we are not here, some assume that we’re supposed to fit their predetermined mold, very few add us to the general population.

As a runner, I need running  shoes… However, I find it difficult to find the right shoes. See, my shoe shopping experience is very different from the person who fits the mold… While a person who wears a size 9 can walk in and pretty much, try on every running shoe in the store. I usually play the guessing game… Do you have this in a size 14? Nope! Well, what about this? Nope. You get irritated and you tell them to bring out all the size 14s that they have in the back. The sales associate usually come out with 3-4 pairs of shoes, none of which you really had you eye on.  So, you try them on and none of the fit. Now you have two options… You can either go to another store in the mall and play the same guessing game or you can order them online. So look up shoe reviews and you find the shoe that everyone is raving about… You are excited to try them out, so you order them and they don’t fit either. Now you’re disappointed and you can’t understand why the shoe that fits everybody in the reviews doesn’t fit you…then it hits you, it’s because they are the rule and you’re the exception…

Has this ever happened to you? Well, I’m fed up with getting advice from the rule and trying to apply to my exceptional life… I decided to take matters in my own hand and start reviewing shoes… It is my hope that I can help the next big guy by sharing my perspective on running shoes… Hell I’ve tried on enough shoes to be an expert,  it’s my turn to give it the ole collage try. With that said, be on the lookout for my first running shoe review.

Until next time,

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