C25K, Memoir Writing, & World Championship of Public Speaking…

What’s up goal crushers,

I thought I would stop by and drop a line to update you with the happenings of 300 Pounds and Running…

Couch to 5K

I’ve started Couch to 5K (again) and it’s not pretty (but hey I’m getting the job done though). I also have a new running partner!


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I’m excited to announced that my other half, Mrs. 300PAR, has decided to join me in this journey. At first, I was a little skeptical but she is holding her own. Truthfully, I look forward to the days that we run together because she brings me joy and the things that come out of her mouth while running is freaking hilarious. I have a few videos of her giving her experiences of running for the first time that I need to edit. I plan to put them up by the end of the week. Furthermore, she will be contributing to 300 PAR very soon… I look forward to her adding unique perspective to the blog… For those of you who know her in real life know that she is a riot.

[divider]Memoir writing

I am writing a memoir about running my first marathon. This is something that I have doing secretly for the past couple of months and I’m ready to let the world know that it’s coming… Tentatively, I have a release date for end of July to celebrate  the 3-year anniversary of this site.  I think it will be very insightful for anyone who is struggling with weight loss. I am pouring my heart and soul into this book and I hope it will change some lives. That’s all I can say about the book but stay tuned.  

[divider]World Championship Public Speaking

I am competing in the World Championship Public Speaking. It’s a competition held every year by Toastmasters International. It goes through five rounds starting at the club level and ending at the World Championship in Vegas. I have won three rounds so far and my next competition is at the district level on May 9, 2015. If I win that round, I’m headed to Vegas to compete in the semi-finals in August. May 9th is the same day of commencement. I’ve decided to forgo the graduation ceremony to chase my dream of being the 2015 World Champion of Public Speaking. It’s a huge risk and a huge reward… I’m determined to win, I have been training like a champion, and I’m ready to #DefyTheOdds



These are just some things going on in my life right now; I look forward to talking to you guys soon!

Defy the Odds,


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