Weekly Weigh-In, WOD, Run Recap #1

Welcome to the inaugural Weekly Weigh-in, WOD, Run Recap (W3R2). This is where I give insight of what exercises I’m doing throughout the week, from last Friday to this Friday. So let’s get into it!


On 1/2/13 I weighed 305.9 let’s see what I weigh this now.


Weigh In



Aww Snap! I’m back under 300 pounds… That feels good let’s see if I can stay there this time.

Workout, Run Recap

Lately my workouts and runs have been a little sporadic, so this weekend I will be working on a workout/run schedule this will help me stay organize since the semester starts in a week or so. Here are my workouts/ run for this week.

1/3/13: This was my first run of the year… I was a little rusty so I ran intervals of 3 minutes of running and 2 minutes of walking 7 times. Resulting in 2.64 miles ran and 811 calories burned via my Polar FT40. I also went to CrossFit of this day and did FRAN! My thruster weight was 75 lbs. and I use a heavy-duty band for my assisted pull-ups; finishing in 8:07.

Run WOD FranWOD Fran thusterWOD Fran Pull Up

1/14/13: The WOD was a team workout consisting of 4 alternating rounds of 20 Manmakers, sit-ups, 20 Medicine ball clean/slam @ 20lbs and sit-ups. Time finish: 29:29 If you don’t know what a manmaker is check out this video.


Wod Eat Your Vegetables


1/7/13: I ran a nice little 5K to get my week started.


Run 1.7.13


1/8/13: The WOD was 10-1 overhead squat@ 105 lbs. (OHS) and hand release (HR) push-ups, five minute rest and 1-10 front squat @105 lbs. and ring dips. (*note 10-1 starts with 10 OHS and 1 HR push-up, then 9 OHS and 3 HR push-ups…so on until you do  1 OHS and 10 HR pushups.)

wod 1.8

1/10/13: I ran 4.01 miles with an average pace of 13’26” with 832 calories burned.

Run 1.10

Well there you have it folks that was this week’s Weigh-in, WOD, Run Recap. If you like what I’m doing please subscribe. Don’t forget to follow me on Twitter:@300lbsandrunnin, Like the 300 Pounds and Running Facebook Page, if you are on: Instagram I’m @300PoundsAndRunning, Dailymile: @300lbsandrunnin, and Nike Plus:@300PoundsAndRunning. Lastly I’ve create a group on Facebook called Crushing Goal Together… This is a new support group to help anyone plan, track, and crush goals, be sure to check it out.

Until next time I’m 300 Pounds And Running