2013 Goals

set goals

I’ve never been an “I’m going to start on Monday” type of guy. I’ve always been a “Let’s get it done, how can we start now,” type of guy. 2013 is here and it’s time to get to work. You already know how I feel about New Year Resolutions …It’s all about SMART goals over here. I have had a few days to think about my goals and I’m ready to announce them. My 2013 goals are as follows:

  • 2013 will be the year of the marathons… Let’s make that two.
    • Half marathon by July 2013
    • Full Marathon by December 31,2013
  • Lose at least 52 pounds by December 31,2013
  • 15 unassisted pull ups by December 31, 2013
  • CrossFit Level 1 Certification by Thanksgiving 2013

As we get back into our regular schedules tend to get stuck on the big goals and forget about the little goals that we can accomplish to crush big goals. You’ve probably heard the saying, “The only way to eat an elephant is one bite at a time.” The same is true about our big goals; we have to take them one day at a time.  Also these are Smart goals so in all honesty I still need to add some actions for my goals. The rule for this is “keep it simple.” Make small bite size goals that you can crush on a daily basis. These daily goals should add up to a weekly goal and the weekly goal should add up to a monthly goal, so on and so forth. For the sake of time I’m not going to go into all of my action goals for my goals. But if anyone needs an example leave a comment to let me know.  Here are some of my actions for each goal:

  • Half and full marathon:
    • Run at least 3 times a week
    • Increase distance by 1 mile every week
    • Starting in February run at least 1 race a month
    • Pick Half Marathon race by March 1, 2013
    • Pick Full Marathon race by July 3, 2013
  • Lose at least 52 pounds by December 31, 2013
    • Run at least 3 times a week
    • CrossFit at least 3 times a week
    • Weigh myself weekly
    • Plan out breakfast, lunch, dinner and snack when semester starts
    • Make my lunch every night
  • 15 unassisted pull ups by December 31, 2013
    • CrossFit at least 3 times
    • Start the 100 burpee Challenge by February
    • Complete the 100 burpee challenge

These are my small (action) goals to my big goals. Some of them may be intertwined and that’s completely fine. Also I tried to predict the future because I’m notorious for not make lunch in the morning, so instead my goal is to pack my lunch every night. Use that to your advantage; if you know have certain quirks or habits about yourself that can interfere with your progress. Find a way to work around it. One thing I haven’t mention is how I’m going to track things and I’m going to use the #CrushGoals on twitter, the Crushing Goals Together to track my goals. In a week or so I’m going to put a tab on the menu bar that says #CrushGoals and have a running tally of every goal for 2013. I challenge you to crush your goals too. Use the #CrushGoals to track your progress, also join the Crushing your Goals Together Facebook Group to meet other people who are trying to crush their goals.

Leave a comment below stating what are your little goals or if you have any suggestions about my goal or how I can make them manageable. Also If you like what I’m doing please subscribe. Don’t forget to follow me on Twitter:@300lbsandrunnin, Like the 300 Pounds and Running Facebook Page, if you are on: Instagram I’m @300PoundsAndRunning, Dailymile: @300lbsandrunnin, and Nike Plus:@300PoundsAndRunning.

Until next time I’m 300 Pounds and Running.


Crush Goals


Getting Back to Normal (CrossFit After Pneumonia)

Buddy Up

Lately I’ve been struggling to get things back to normal. December has been a rough month for me. I slowed things down when finals week came around. During finals I ended up getting pneumonia and things really slowed down to snail’s pace. Well last Friday that finally ended, when I went to my first CrossFit class since pneumonia. Let me tell you it felt good to be back in my box. Everyone was excited to see me back. Asking me where I have been, they miss me. I responded with “pneumonia,” their response was, “Oh yea that will take you out of the game.” Anyways I looked at the WOD board I said to myself, “this is going to be interesting,” it was a partnered WOD. I ended up partnering with a guy named Ben; I’ve seen him in the advance classes. The average person would would be intimidated, because he was probably this fittest in the classes, but I really didn’t care. I told home I’m planning to do everything, but I might need breaks in between workouts… I might be slow but I’m always going to finish…

3, 2, 1 Go! Let the WOD begin! 5 minutes later I’m gasping for air… Damn I can’t breathe! Push, push, push, one more, one more, one more. That’s what I told myself as I mulled through the workout out. Everything was semi smooth sailing until I got to those Over/Unders…for those who don’t know what over/unders are … It’s when your partner get on all fours and you jump over them, then they plank and you crawl under them.

It might sound simple exercise but the jump and crawling aspect wore me out! It got to the point where I stop jumping and started to step over him (Hey you gotta do what you gotta do!) I kept pushing and we ended up finishing first. This is odd because I usually finish last every CrossFit class. That was an added bonus what I was really excited about was finishing my first CrossFit class since having pneumonia. I feel like I’m just about back to normal I have to see what my first run will be like…Anyways I’m excited to be back.

Until Next time I’m 300 Pounds and Running.


(Success) How Bad Do I Want It!!!

broken glasses

Before I get started I want to THANK EVERYONE who voted for me. I ended up winning 3rd place and receiving a $500 scholarship.

Blogging Scholarship
Photo Credit: http://www.collegescholarships.org/our-scholarships/blogging.htm

This was right on time because I broke my glasses and they cost just about $500 to get them fix.

broken glasses

So from the bottom of my heart I really just want to say THANKS! Now on to the post…

This is the busy season for me. I have two presentations, a final and two papers to do. I have been cutting out some things like putting up blog post, responding to comments, working out, taking care of the house and not being a good boyfriend. All to stay on top of my school work… I know a lot of people are going to say, well school comes first. Yes, I think that school should come first but school is not who I am.

I am more complex than that and life is not all about school and work. Have you ever heard anybody on their death bed say, “I wish I would have worked a few more hours in the office?” No! They are usually saying I wish I would have spent more time with my family, travel the world, or did things that made them happy.  I know you are all are thinking this is cool Martinus but where are you going with this?

Well something happened to me yesterday that changed my life perspective. A couple of days ago, I was feeling blah, I left out of my stat class with my brain fried. I sat there for 2.5 hours not knowing what was going on. I felt as if I was wasting time. I got two papers to write I should have been doing that instead. So after class I went to the office to eat lunch. So I’m searching through YouTube looking for something light-hearted to bring my spirits up. Instead I found something inspirational. I came across a video from ET The Hip Hop Preacher @Ericthomasbtc. He was talking to students about success. (I suggest everyone check it out) He was telling a story about a guru and a kid. The kid asked the guru if he could help him be successful. The guru said yes…Meet me at the beach at 4am.

The guru take the kid out to the beach and dunks the kids head in the water until the kid was about to pass out then he pulled the kid up. The kid asked , “Why did he do that – the guru said, “In order to be successful you have to want success as bad as you want to breathe like when I was holding your head under water.  The guru asked the kid did you see how bad you wanted to breathe that’s how bad you have to want to succeed.

Wow, wanting and needing success is like wanting and needing to breathe. I thought to myself that’s a great story and I am motivated. Let me get back to writing this paper.

However, the message of the story didn’t hit me until I went to CrossFit later that day. (I know I haven’t given you an update yet…it’s coming…promise.) The workout was the toughest workout I ever did… The WOD was called whiner niner it was 9 rounds of 9 box jumps, 9 ring dips, 9 double under, 9 back extensions, 9 burpees, 9 dead lifts  9 mountain climbers, 9 push press, and 9 kettle bell swings and did I mentioned that this was timed.

While I was on my 5th round I just wanted to give up …..it was super tough. I couldn’t hardly breathe I’m grasping for breath. All I wanted to do is to stop and catch my breath. Then it hit me…When you want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe. “DAMN THAT’S DEEP” Here I am in CrossFit trying to relive some stress and I enlighten myself. I’m in CrossFit breathing heavy I’m uncomfortable but it’s not painful. So I pose myself a question to myself, which is more important to me right now… stop and catch my breath or pushing through the discomfort and completing this WOD. I choose to complete the WOD.  I finish the workout in 46 minutes and 49 seconds. Everyone was clapping and congratulating me for finishing the workout but I was amazed how that message resonated with me. “When you want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe.”

During the car ride home I applied that quote to the current situation that I’m in. It’s a busy time in school…So what! Don’t let it stop you from your other responsibilities, being a boyfriend, blogger, business man, etc. Do all of these responsibilities matter to me just as much as breathing? YES…they do. Well make a way to get it all done Martinus, make sacrifices. Give up less important things to get the things that matter the most done. If y’all are not inspired by now I don’t know what to tell you but I know one thing I want to succeed as much as I want to breathe.

I want to thank ET the Hip Hop Preacher @Ericthomasbtc for being an inspiration to me even through you don’t know me. Being that I was born and raised on the east side of Detroit, MI and he’s from Detroit also… I can tell that his message is real and from a place of passion. I wish I could show him some support of something and buy his book but I’m on a graduate student stipend it does not leave much room for extra spending…

Until next time I’m 300 pounds and running….

CrossFit On-Ramp Day 1

Columbia CrossFit

Hello everyone before you read today’s blog post…Please help me win this $10,000 scholarship…Please go vote for me now: http://www.collegescholarships.org/blog/2012/11/14/2012-blogging-scholarship/ …I really need your help!! Now back to your regularly schedule program.

300 Pounds and Running at Columbia CrossFit

In search of finding my joy and getting out of this funk; I decided to try a new sport…yup CrossFit! I started my on-ramp classes at Columbia CrossFit; DJ was my trainer and he was very knowledgeable. Today we went over the basic principles of CrossFit and 3 of the 9 Fundamental movements of CrossFit; squat, front squat and overhead squat.

Columbia CrossFit

I pretty much had the form down pack because I played football and I was a strength and conditioning coach for a high school football team at one point in my life. This was cool because DJ went over some of the advance movements in addition to what he wanted me to learn. Then DJ poses the question…Since your background is already Exercise Physiology why don’t you get your level 1 certificate? I thought to myself that might be a good idea in the future. After all the introduction to all the movements DJ had me run through a MOD-WOD it consists of 5 rounds of 5 push-ups  10 sit ups and 15 squats for time. I finish it in 5 minutes and 57 seconds. Trust me it’s harder than then it sounds.

Columbia CrossFit

I’m so excited about adding CrossFit to my journey and I think it will mesh well with my marathon training. It always helps that I like the personality of the gym. Day 2 of my ramp will be posted in a couple of days…Wish me luck!

Question of the day: What are your thoughts of CrossFit? If you never tried CrossFit before, what are your preconceived notions about it? Because my girlfriend keeps asking if I flipped a tire yet.

Until till next time I’m 300 Pounds and Running

Don’t forget to vote for me!