300 Pounds and Running 3.0

300 Pounds and Running over background

300 Pounds and Running over background

Welcome to the new 300 Pounds and Running.com! Right away, you will notice some changes  to this site. I lighten up the look and feel. Additionally, it’s sporting a new header and tagline. You would not believe that I made the header in Power Point… Go figure, I didn’t know you could do that type of stuff in Power Point…

There’s an interesting story about the tag line. One day I posted on Facebook that I needed help coming up with a new tagline for the blog. Someone respond, “What you want the tagline to focus on?” I said, “Something about defying the odds of obesity,” and Andrea from I’mperfectlife.net responded, “uhh that’s your new tagline right there.” I liked it, so I went with it. Then I decided to change tagline to “Defy the Odds of Obesity,” because I felt it was more of a call to action. While I was finalizing the header, I decided to change the tagline again to “Defy the Odds,” because I feel like it encompasses all aspects of life. It’s not good enough to just lose weight and defy the odds of obesity. One of the things you will find out once the weight is gone is you’re still going to have problems, issues, and odds that you will have to defy. Therefore, instead of just defying the odds of obesity, defy all the odds against you. You are a goal crusher and that’s what goal crushers do!


Daily Themes

While I was redesigning site I came up with daily themes to help me through the times when I feel like I don’t have anything to say. I really want to improve on posting consistently, I think by having some daily themes in back pocket would help me out. Check out the description of themes below.


Motivational Monday

If you follow me on social media, you know that I love, love, love quotes. A good quote can change the outlook of your day, week, month and sometimes your life. Reading quotes helped me a lot during this injury. I could be feeling down and reading an inspiring quote would help me put things in perspective (Because it could always be worst). On Monday’s, I will be sharing some of my favorite quotes and explains what it means to me. It is my goal to eventually do Motivational Monday’s on my YouTube channel.  I think some quotes are more powerful when they are heard, and it gives me a chance to work on my public speaking.

In addition to quotes, I want to give my readers an opportunity to share their health and fitness accomplishments. These can be anything from running a marathon to walking a mile for the first time; from losing 100 pounds to losing their first 10, 20, or 30 pounds; from going a year without sugar to quitting smoking and everything in between. This is a spot for you to brag about your accomplishment, big or small!

If you would like to be featured in an upcoming Motivational Monday post:

  • Email a photo to represent your accomplishment to: [email protected].
  • Please include a brief (3-7 sentence) description of your accomplishment.
  • If you have a blog please include the link in the email.

They only thing that I ask is that you leave a comment on the Motivational Monday posts to congratulate the others on their accomplishments!


Tunes Tuesday

Many of you don’t this but I was am DJ and a pretty good one for that fact. I am not talking Djing on iTunes either… I am talking about two Technics Turntables, a Pioneer Mixer, and crates of records. However, with the move from Detroit to New England I fell out of the DJ scene. Djing is something that I really enjoy doing and I want to back into it. I don’t see myself making a living from it however it’s a hobby that could bring in some side change once in a while. On Tuesday’s, I will be putting on my “DJ M-80”hat and give you 3-4 songs that you can consider adding to your playlist. I am hoping that by playing around with music it will give me the inspiration to get back on the 1’s and 2’s.  You never know this may end up with me posting my sets on the site. You will just have to wait and see.


Weigh-in/ Real Talk Wednesday

The weigh-in part is self-explanatory. I’m taking it back to the basics weighing in on Wednesday, taking progress pics and providing updates on my progress. The real talk part will be some commentary dealing with self-improvement…  This comes from my life… A good friend calls me every Wednesday morning when I am on my way to work and we would have real talk. The conversations could range from “Yay you are on the ball with your goals” to “You need to get on the ball because you are bull shitting” and everything in between. During this talk, we hold no punches, we just keep it real and that’s what I plan to do.


Q&A Thursday

This is an opportunity for you to really get to know me… Ask me a question at [email protected]. No topic is off-limits.


Friday Five

This will be a buzz feedish type of post ranging from tips, tricks, and everything in between. I did this a while ago and I’ve decided bring it back… You can check out some of my older Friday Five’s below;

In addition to the theme weekly post you can look out for blogger spotlights, product reviews, training plans, and race recaps. This is just some of the things I plan to produce on this blog.  Even though I have five themed days, I cannot guarantee that I will post Mon-Fri but I’m shooting for at least 3 posts week. I am still working on an editorial calendar but I wanted to at least give you an update on what you can expect and what I plan to do.